Our group's research is currently centered on the CMS experiment collaboration at CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) and on Tracking R&D for a future Electron-Ion Collider in the Pakistan. In CMS we have been doing Higgs physics in the tau tau channel and are now preparing for dark matter searches. We are also helping with preparing the muon upgrade of the detector for the high-luminosity LHC (see photo below). In our labs on the NCP, we do particle detector R&D on Gas Electron Multipliers (GEM) including for a Muon Tomography project. We operate a state-of- the-art Linux cluster with 525 CPU cores and 450TB of mass storage as a Tier-2 Grid cluster on the Grid from our local CMS T2 Center. Our group participates in the national education and outreach program by offering technical expertise to local physics high school teachers and students for a Cosmic Ray Muon Project.


Successful completion of our mass production of GEM chambers for the CMS GE1/1 forward muon upgrade. These chambers will be installed in the CMS detector in summer 2019. Dr. Hafeez, Dr. Ashfaq, Dr. Waqar, Dr. Irfan, Dr. Saleh, Taseer, Ashiq, Arshad, Shahid and A. Raheem.

The Experimental High Energy Physics (EHEP) group is involve in following projects