Celebrating International Year of Light - 2015 (IYL - 2015)
December 07 - 11, 2015
The National Centre for Physics, Islamabad and The Centre for Physics Education, Karachi are jointly organizing a five days regional workshop on Active Learning in Optics and Photonics (ALOP) from 7 - 11 December 2015 at NCP. By joining hands with the international community of physics, this event is being organized at NCP to celebrate the International Year of Light and Light based Technologies 2015.
ALOP is an International Award-Winning Program planned and designed by UNESCO to strengthen the learning environment for students in developing countries by training teachers in a 5-day hands-on, minds-on, intensive workshop. The ALOP workshop will provide participants with an introductory update in the fields of optics and photonics, and active learning strategies for teaching that have been demonstrated to be more effective than traditional methods. Since 2004, there have been over 20 ALOP workshops throughout the world. These workshops have included over 1,000 teachers from nearly 60 developing countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. There have also been several follow-up workshops to train the trainers by giving them the opportunity to work as assistant facilitators. This program is designed to empower teachers to educate their students effectively using locally-available resources. ALOP workshops are facilitated by internationally recognized experts in optics and education.
International Advisory Committee
Alexander Mazzolini | David Sokolof | Kyunghwan Oh |
Martin Richardson | Suhail Zubairy |
National Advisory Committee
Abdullah Sadiq | Badar Suleman | Hafeez R. Hoorani |
Muhammad Jameel | Pervez Hoodbhoy | S. M. Javed Akhter |
Invited Speakers
Joseph Niemela | Shaukat Hameed Khan | M. Aslam Baig |
Resource Persons
Khalid Berrada (Morocco) | Souad Lahmer (Tunisia) |
Organizing Committee
Aquila Islam (Chairperson) | Aziz Fatima Hasnain (Secretary) | M. Aslam Baig |
Riffat M. Qureshi | Shahid Mehmood | Syed Mansoor Naqvi |
There is no registration fee. In principle, travel expenses of participants should be borne by the home institution. Limited funds are available for some participants who are nationals of, and working in a developing country, to be selected by the Organizers. However, every efforts should be made by candidates to secure at least partial support for their travel expenses.
How to apply
Registration has been closed.
Workshop Brochure
To download the ALOP woekshop brochure, click here.
- The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy

For Further Queries, Please Contact:
Secretary General CPE
Prof. Aziz Fatima Hasnain
Phone: +92 333 210 5081
Manger CAAD (NCP)
Rabia Rasheed Butt
Phone: +92 51 2077 350
Website: www.ncp.edu.pk