The IASC comprises of 11 eminent scientists hailing from all over the world covering various disciplines of physics. Its main functions include:
- To advise on scientific matters to meet state-of-the-art requirements in the field
- To evaluate and suggest recommendations for academic program of the Centre
- To help in institutional collaboration and establishing linkages with other international centres
The members of National Scientific Program Council are:
Sr. No | Name | Field | Organization |
1 | Prof. Ahmed Zewail (Honorary Member) | Femto Chemistry | CALTECH |
2 | Prof. Herwig Schopper | SESAME | CERN |
3 | Prof. Jos Engelen | HEP Experiment | CERN |
4 | Hermin Winick | Synchrotron | SLAC |
5 | Prof. Zensho Yoshida | Plasma Physics | University of Illinois |
6 | Prof. Harvey Newman | Computing | CALTECH |
7 | Prof. Zhi-Xun Shen | Highly Condensed Electrons and High Tc Superconductivity | SLAC |
8 | Prof. Francois Wuilleumier | Synchrotron | University of Paris |
9 | Prof. Paul Langacker | HEP Theory | University of Pennsylvania |
10 | Prof. Franz-Josef Holmes | Microstructures Devices | Louisiana State University |
11 | Dr. K. Sreenivasan | Fluid dynamics, turbulence and non-linear dynamics | Abdus Salam ICTP |