27 - 29 July, 2022
The National Centre for Physics (NCP) in joint collaboration with Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) Stuttgart Germany is organizing its first annual International School on Basics and Applications of the Rietveld Method & Pair Distribution Function Analysis in Material Sciences (ISBARM-22) from July 27 - 29, 2022. The three days scientific activity will consist of invited lectures from renowned experts of various areas of Powder diffraction, Crystallography, Magnetism, Metallurgy, Material science and technology.
In general, the school will cover the following topics:
- Basics of powder diffraction & Rietveld Refinement in Material Science & Crystallography.
- Quantitative Phase Analysis (%QPA) with the Rietveld method. Different methods for quantifying the Amorphous content.
- Basics of total scattering measurements & Pair Distribution Function (PDF) analysis
- Crystal structure solution & refinement of planar & stacking faulted materials
- Magnetic Structure Refinement and Neutron Spallation Sources
- Determination of the Instrument Resolution Function (IRF) for powder diffractometers.
The aim of this intensive course is to impart the Rietveld method and PDF analysis in theory and practice. Using selected examples, the entire process from profile fitting using fundamental parameters to crystal structure determination & refinement, total scattering analysis, and modelling of stacking faulted crystal structures will be explained. The combined analysis of the magnetic space groups & magnetic structure refinement on the neutron powder diffraction data alongwith practical examples on the analysis of technologically important materials will be presented.
Dr. Mansoor Hameed Inayat (NCP) | Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier (Germany) | Dr. Rizwan Riaz (NUST) |
Invited Key Speakers
Prof. Dr. Robert E. Dinnebier (MPI-FKF Germany) | Prof. Dr. Reinhard K. Kremer (MPI-FKF Germany) | Dr. Sebastian Bette (MPI-FKF Germany) |
Dr. Maxwell W. Terban (MPI-FKF Germany) |
Management Committee
Dr. Ishaq Ahmad(NCP) | Dr. Amir Azam Khan (NUST) | Dr. Mohsin Siddiq (NCP) |
Dr. Tanzeel Murtaza (NCP) | Ms. Rabia Rasheed (NCP) | Mr. Zeeshan Ahmed (NCP) |
Technical Coordinator
Dr. Falak Sher (LUMS) | Dr. M. Sultan (KUM) | Dr. Khurram Yaqoob (NUST) |
Dr. G. H. Jaffri (QAU) | Dr. Zakir Hussain (NUST) | Dr. Rab Nawaz (PIEAS) |
Dr. Fahad Ali (PIEAS) | Dr. Zainab Zafar (NCP) |
Scientific Secretary
Dr. Naveed Zafar AliExperimental Physics Department, NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan.Tel.: +92 51 9006223 Fax.: +92 51 2077342Email:
Registration Fee
- Professionals/Faculty Members: PKR. 15,000/-
- Students: PKR. 3,000/-
Research students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty members and scientists/engineers actively involved in material science & technology research are encouraged to apply. A list of shortlisted participants will be available on the NCP website by July 6, 2022.
Technical Program
Note: It is mandatory for all the selected participants to attend Two Days ISBARM-22 Pre-School from 21 - 22 July, 2022.
How to Apply
For registration, click here. The application form should be submitted by July 4, 2022.
To download the brochure. Click here.
Selected Participants
To download the list of selected participants, click here.
Max Planck Institute for Solid State Research (MPI-FKF) Stuttgart Germany

For Further Queries, Please Contact:
Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD)
National Centre for Physics,
Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-2077332 (for IT/Registration related queries)
Tel: +92-51-2077348
Fax: +92-51-2077342
Website: www.ncp.edu.pk