Poster Session - Plasma Physics
Sr. # | Presenter Name | Institute | Poster Title |
1. | Amna Fayyaz | GC University, Lahore | Modified Zakharov equations for non-linear mode coupling |
2. | Shazia Shukrullah, Muhammad Yasin Naz | Department of Physics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan | Controlled Synthesis of Multiwalled Carbon Nanotubes for CO2 Adsorption Application |
3. | Nazia. Batool1, Waqas Masood2, Mohsin Siddiq3, Rabia Jahangir4 | 1,3,4National Centre for Physics (NCP), Shahdara Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan. Comsats Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. | Interaction of fast magnetoacoustic solitons in dense plasmas |
4. | Rabia Jahangir1,2, W. Masood1,3, M. Siddiq, Nazia Batool1,2 | 1National Centre for Physics (NCP), Shahdara Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan. 3COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan | Chaos Dynamics in Two Dimensional Electron System Irradiated by Radiation in a magnetic field |
5. | 1Raja Mohsin Hameed, Dr. Waqas Masood, Dr. Mohsin Siddiq | 2CUI, Islamabad, Pakistan, 3NCP Islamabad, Pakistan | Multi-Soliton Solution of NLSE using Darboux Transformation |
6. | Asif Ullah, Majid Khan, Ali Ahmad | National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan. Department of Physics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan | Drift modes in bounded two-ion plasmas with non-Maxwellian electronic distributions |
7. | Muhammad Yasin Naz, Shazia Shukrullah, Abdul Ghaffar | Department of Physics, University of Agriculture Faisalabad, Pakistan | Microwave plasma assisted sol-gel synthesis and plasma jet driven photocatalytic activity of TiO2 for degradation of methylene blue |
8. | Mahlqa Marriam, Dr. Yasin Naz, Dr. Shazia Shrughallah | Department of Physics, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad | Production and characterization of TiO2 coating on wearable fabric through sonication method |
9. | S. Ali1, H. Tercas2, J. T. Mendonca2 | 1 Theoretical Physics Department, National Centre for Physics, Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan, 2 IPFN,Instituto Superior Tecnico, 1049-001 Lisbon, Portugal | Stable Electrostatic Wakefield in Quantum Nanowires |
10. | Ismat Naeem1,2, S.Ali3, P.H.Sakanaka4 and Arshad.M.Mirza1 | 1Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 2International Islamic University, Islamabad, Pakistan, 3National Centre for Physics (NCP), Shahdara Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan, 4University of Campinas, Brazil | Formation of solitary waves and shocklets in a two-temperature electron ? distributed plasma |
11. | Usman Saeed1, Hamid Saleem2 and Shaukat Ali Shan3 | 1National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan. 2Department of Space Science, Institute of Space Technology (IST), Islamabad, Pakistan. 3Theoretical Physics Division, PINSTECH, P.O. Nilore, Islamabad, Pakistan. | Solitons and Vortices of Shear-Flow-Modified Dust Acoustic Wave |
12. | Dr. Saba Khalid | Department of Physics GC University, Lahore | Nonlinear Coupling of Kinetic Alfven Waves (KAWs) and Ion Acoustic Waves (IAWs) |
13. | S. A. Khan1, S. Nisar2, and A. Fukuyama3 | 1National Centre for Physics at Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan. 2Department of Nuclear Engineering, Kyoto Univerisity, Kyoto, Japan. 3 Research Institute for Applied Mechanics, Kyushu University, Kasuga 816-8580, Japan. 4National Institute for Fusion Science, Toki, Japan. | A novel robotic THz spectroscopy system and full wave analysis of THz wave-matter interaction |
14. | S. A. Khan1, A. Fukuyama2, H. Idei3 and H. Igami4 | aCentre for Advanced Studies in Physics, GC University, Lahore, Pakistan bCorrosion Control Research Cell, Department of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, CEET, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan | Kinetic full wave analysis of Bernstein waves in tokamak plasmas |
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