The National Center for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan and the Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy, are jointly organizing the International Scientific Spring (ISS-2014), March 10-14, 2014 at NCP, Islamabad, Pakistan. It will be directed by H. Saleem (NCP, Pakistan) and J. Niemela (ICTP, Italy).
The ISS series was started in 2009 to inspire young researchers and students working in the field of physics and related disciplines, and to help develop the human resource necessary for scientific,technological, industrial and economic growth. Traditionally, a large number of young researchers and students have participated in the ISS activities, along with many internationally renowned scientists: in ISS-2012 there were 25 foreign and 364 local speakers/participants while ISS- 2013 was attended by 21 foreign and 340 local speakers/participants. Together with support from the Abdus Salam ICTP, the ISS-2014 reflects NCP's expanding role in strengthening the scientific and technological collaborations in the region for the benefit of mankind. The ISS 2014 event comprises of plenary and parallel sessions in the four main topical areas listed below:
Topics and Coordinators
- Particle Physics "Applications of Synchrotron Radiation" Coordinators: M. Kiskinova (Italy), G. Paolucci (Italy), H. Hoorani (Pakistan)
- New Materials for Energy Applications “Synthesis, characterization and testing of nano materials for energy applications” Coordinators: S. Krol (Italy) and S. T. Hussain (Pakistan)
- Plasma Physics “Recent Research Trends in Plasma Physics” Coordinators: M.Kono (Japan), H. Saleem (Pakistan), M. A. Baig (Pakistan), S. Ali (Pakistan)
- Earth Systems “Oceanography, Atmospheric Physics, Climate Change, Isotope Hydrology, Glaciology, Geothermometry, Seismology, Earthquake Forecasting, Management of Marine Coastal and Inland Environment Pollution, In-situ Waste Remediation Technologies for Contaminated Soil and Groundwater Environment” Coordinators: R. , M. Qasim Jan (Pakistan), M. M. Iqbal (Pakistan), M. Qaisar (Pakistan), R. M. Qureshi (Pakistan)
H. Saleem | J. Niemela (Italy) |
Advisory Committee
O. Adiguzel (Turkey) | M. Kishinova (Italy) | M. B. Sticklen (USA) |
A. Aoudia (Italy) | M. Kono (Japan) | N. Tabett (Saudi Arabia) |
R. Aravena (Canada) | R. Aravena (Canada) | V. Kossobokov (Russia) |
K. Takanabe (Japan) | R. V. Azanza (Philippines) | I. Kourakis (UK) |
M. S. Toprak (Sweeden) | A. Baraldi (Italy) | S. Krol (Italy) |
F. N. Tubiello (Italy) | M. Borghesi (UK) | G. Ma (China) |
C. Tuniz (Italy) | P. Fritz (Germany) | M. Maamache (Algeria) |
L. Wu (China) | P. Glynn (USA) | C. Nergiz (Turkey) | Z. Zainal (Malaysia) | U. Hashim (Malaysia) | G. Paolucci (Italy) |
A. De Santis (Italy) | P. Kalenda (Czech Republic) |
Active graduate students, post doctoral researchers, faculty and research scientists who have published their research work in recognized international journals during the last three years are encouraged to apply for participation and presentation (oral or poster). Participants from the region as well as developing/developed countries are also welcome to attend. All activities will be conducted in English. Local hospitality will be provided to all the participants. As a rule, travel expenses of the participants should be borne by their home institutes. However, partial travel assistance may be provided to selected local participants. A few travel grants may also be made available to the foreign participants especially from developing countries.
How to Apply
Registration for ISS-2014 has been closed.
Conference Poster
To download the poster, click here.
Programme and Venues
To download the programme and venues details. Cick here.
Live Streaming
For ISS-2014 live Streaming, Click here.
To download the tentative list of talks by foreign faculty of ISS-2014. Click here.
Selected Participants
- To download the list of confirmed Participants of Plasma Physics. Click here.
- To download the list of confirmed Participants of Earth Systems. Click here.
- To download the list of confirmed Participants of Applications of Synchrotron Radiation. Click here.
Performance Award
To download performance award details. Click here.
Scientific Program
- For details, Click here.
- To download General Programme (Plenary Session) of ISS-2014. Click here.
- To download Plasma Physics (Parallel Session) Programme of ISS-2014. Click here.
- To download Earth Systems (Parallel Session) Programme of ISS-2014. Click here.
- To download New Material for Energy Applications (Parallel Session) Programme of ISS-2014. Click here.
- To download Applications of Synchrotron Radiation (Parallel Session) Programme of ISS-2014. Click here.
Note: Those who will present poster during the event, size of the poster should be 3 x 4 (width x height).
- Pakistan Academy of Sciences
- Higher Education Commission
- Pakistan Science Foundation
- Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD) National Centre for Physics, Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-51-2077360, +92-51-2077349 Fax: +92-51-2077395 E-mail: Website: