March 16 - 20, 2015
The National Center for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy are jointly organizing the International Scientific Spring (ISS) in Islamabad, Pakistan from March 16-20, 2015. The ISS-2015 (ICTP-SM-15/10) will be directed by H. R. Hoorani (NCP), H. Saleem (IST) and J. Niemela (ICTP).
The International Scientific Spring (ISS) which was started in 2009, has become a regular annual scientific activity of the NCP. Since 2012, AS-ICTP, Italy has become a partner of NCP for organizing this scientific event in Islamabad, Pakistan. Now both these Centres organize a few scientific activities jointly in NCP every year including the ISS and the regional activities of ICTP. Over three hundred young Pakistani M.Phil/Ph.D students, researchers, university faculty and many foreign invited speakers and participants take part in the deliberations of ISS. The idea of holding the International Scientific Spring (ISS) at NCP is to provide a platform for the local and the foreign participants to meet and exchange scientific knowledge about recent developments. Each year, the topics of this activity are chosen keeping in view the present and future research interests of NCP, universities and national R&D institutions in Pakistan. The ISS consists of plenary and parallel sessions. The plenary lectures contain mostly overviews of advances in the chosen areas for general audience while the lectures /talks in parallel sessions cover the recent research on the specific topics.
Topics and Coordinators
- Light-Matter InteractionLasers, Synchrotron Radiation, Opto-electronicsCoordinators: M. Aslam Baig, Farhan Saif, Raheel Ali
- Condensed Matter and Nano SciencesLower dimensional materials (0, 1 & 2D materials, multi-layers and thin films), Functional Nanostructures (synthesis, characterization andapplications), Nano-material characterization using advanced techniquesCoordinators: S. Khurshid Hasanain, Sara Qaisar, Kashif Sabeeh
- Plasma PhysicsBasic plasma physics, Space plasmas, Quantum plasmas, Non Maxwellian plasmas, Laser induced plasmasCoordinators: Mohsin Siddiq, Shahid Ali, Waqas Masood
- Particle Physics & CosmologyPhenomenology of elementary particles, Flavor physics, B-meson physics, Neutrino Physics, Inflation gravity waves, Black hole physics, Dark matter,Si detectors in particle physicsCoordinators: Ashfaq Ahmad, Mansoor Ur Rehman, Rizwan Khalid
Hafeez R. Hoorani (NCP, Pakistan) | J. Niemela (ICTP, Italy) | Hamid Saleem (IST, Pakistan) |
International Advisory Committee
A. Baraldi (Italy) | T. Camporesi (Switzerland) | T. Rehman (USA) |
M. Richardson (USA) | F. Gianotti (Switzerland) | P. Yoon (USA) |
Key Speakers
P. Andreev (Russia) | A. Baraldi (Italy) | D. Froidvaux (Switzerland) |
N. Ghafoor (Sweden) | G. Paolucci (Italy/Jordan) | N. K. Paracha (USA) |
T. Rehman (USA) | M. Richardson (USA) | I. Shah (USA) |
S. Watanabe (Japan) |
Scientific Secretary
M. Siddiq (NCP, Pakistan) |
Local Coordinator
Riffat M. Qureshi (NCP, Pakistan) |
Venue and Date
March 16-20, 2015 National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan
Active graduate & post graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty and research scientists who have published research work in recognized international journals during the last three years are encouraged to apply for participation and presentation (oral or poster). Participants from the region as well as developing/developed countries are also welcome to attend. All activities will be conducted in English. Local hospitality will be provided to the selected participants. As a rule, travel expenses of the participants should be borne by their home institutes. However, partial travel assistance may be provided to selected local participants residing outside Islamabad. A few travel grants may also be provided to the foreign participants, especially from the developing countries in the region.
How to Apply
Application Form should be submitted on or before January 20, 2015. Selection will be made by the Technical Committee of ISS-2015. Foreign applicants are required to attach/provide first two relevant pages of their passport valid up to at least six months after the ISS-2015 event. These documents may be submitted to the activity secretariat by email or fax before the deadline for registration. Selected applicants will be required to pay registration fee of Rs. 1000/- (~US $ 10) upon arrival at Venue. There is no registration fee for foreign participants. To pay registration fee, click here.
Application deadline is January 20, 2015.
Registration for ISS-2015 has been closed.
- Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS)
- Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)
Conference Poster
To download the brochure. Click here.
Programs and Venues
- To download the general programme and venues details. Click here.
- To download the program of Plasma Physics activity. Click here.
- To download the program of Light Matter Interaction activity. Click here.
- To download the program of Condensed Matter and Nanosciences activity. Click here.
- To download the program of Particle Physics and Cosmology activity. Click here.

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD) National Centre for Physics, Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-51-2077360 Fax: +92-51-2077342 E-mail: Website: