The National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan and International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy are jointly organizing the International Scientific School (ISS) in Islamabad, Pakistan from March 12 - 16, 2018. The ISS-2018 will be directed by H. R. Hoorani (NCP) and Joseph Niemela (ICTP).
International Scientific Spring (ISS), initiated in 2009, has become a major annual scientific activity of NCP. Since 2012, ICTP, Italy has become a partner of NCP for organizing this scientific event in Islamabad, Pakistan. It was re-named as a school in 2015 to reflect its emphasis on developing the potential of young participants. The idea of holding the ISS at NCP is to provide a platform for local and foreign participants to exchange scientific knowledge and to generate enthusiasm for science and innovation. Participants taking part in the deliberations of ISS include around 300 young Pakistani M.Phil./Ph.D. students, researchers, university faculty and many distinguished foreign invited speakers.
Each year, the scientific topics of ISS are chosen with a focus on the present and future research interests of NCP, universities and national R&D institutions. The ISS consists of plenary, parallel and poster sessions as well as tutorials and structured discussions relevant to various technical activities in the chosen topics. The plenary lectures contain mostly overviews of advances in the topical areas, meant to be accessible to a general academic audience, while the lectures/talks in parallel sessions cover recent research in each specific topic.
Topics and Coordinators
- Plasma Physics: Theory and Applications (PP)Basic Plasma Physics, Coherent Nonlinear Phenomena, Quantum Plasmas, Computational Plasma Physics, Experimental Techniques, Fusion Plasma PhysicsCoordinators: Mohsin Siddiq (NCP), Waqas Masood (CIIT), Shabbir Ahmed (NCP)
- Radiation – Matter Interaction (RMI)Computer Simulation of Radiation-Solid Interactions, Ion implantation, Radiation Induced Defects in Solids, Medical Radioisotopes Production with Ion Beams, Advanced Materials Analysis using Lasers, Synchrotron Radiation or Ion Beam, Heavy Ion Particle Induced X-Ray Emission (PIXE), Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS), Higher Harmonics Generation and Laser Based Mass Spectroscopic Elemental Analysis etc.Coordinators: M. Aslam Baig (NCP), Ishaq Ahmed (NCP), M. Usman (NCP), Raheel Ali (QAU), Rizwan Ahmed (NCP)
- Earth Systems (ES)Seismology, Seismic Hazard Assessment, Earthquake Transients and Mechanics of Active Deformation, Atmospheric Physics and Climate Change, Hydrology, Earthquake Forecasting, Management of Marine, Coastal and Inland Environment, Pollution, Earthquake Engineering, Remote Sensing and GISCoordinators: Talat Iqbal (CES), M. Ali Shah (MSSP), Khawaja M. Asim (CES), Fehmeeda Khanam (MSSP)
Hafeez R. Hoorani (NCP, Pakistan) | Joseph Niemela (ICTP, Italy) |
International Advisory Committee
Abdelkrim Aoudia (Italy) | Alessandro Baraldi (Italy) | Anders Hallén (Sweden) |
Atsushi Fukuyama (Japan) | Jae Koo Lee (South Korea) | Kyunghwan Oh (South Korea) |
Maaza Malik (South Africa) | Martin Richardson (USA) | Michael Bonitz (Germany) |
Peter H. Yoon (USA) | Sayed SR Moustafa (KSA) |
Key Speakers
Abdelkrim Aoudia (Italy) | Atsushi Fukuyama (Japan) | Engang Fu (China) |
Friedemann Freund (USA) | Jae Koo Lee (South Korea) | Kyunghwan Oh (South Korea) |
M. Harith (Egypt) | Mandla Msimanga (South Africa) | Martin Richardson (USA) |
Sayed SR Moustafa (KSA) | Ze Wang (China) | Thomas Francis Gallagher (USA) |
Activity Focal Person
M. Aslam Baig (RMI) | Mohsin Siddiq (PP) | Talat Iqbal (ES) |
Scientific Secretary
M. Aslam Baig (NCP, Pakistan) |
Venue and Date
12-16 March, 2018. National Centre for Physics, Islamabad, Pakistan.
Active graduate & post graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty and research scientists who have also published research work in recognized international journals during the last three years will be encouraged to participate (oral or poster presentation). Local hospitality will be provided to the participants. As a rule, travel expenses of the participants should be borne by their home institutes. However, partial travel assistance may be provided to selected local participants residing outside Islamabad. A few travel grants may also be provided to the foreign participants, especially those from the developing countries in the region.
How to Apply
Online Registration Form can be accessed here (Registration Closed). Application Form should be submitted by 30th November, 2016 for foreign participants and by 31st December, 2016 for local participants. Selection will be made by the Technical Committee of ISS-2017. Foreign applicants are required to attach/provide first two relevant pages of their passport valid up to at least six months after the ISS-2017 event. These documents may be submitted to the activity secretariat by email or fax before the deadline for registration. Selected applicants will be required to pay registration fee (employed person: Rs. 2000/- students: Rs. 1500/-). There is no registration fee for invited speakers and foreign participants. To pay registration fee, click here.
Conference Poster
To download the brochure. Click here.
Programs and Venues
- For Plenary Session Technical Programm. Click here.
- For Plasma Physics: Theory and Applications (PP) activity. Click here.
- For Radiation – Matter Interaction (RMI) activity. Click where.
- For Earth Systems (ES) activity. Click here.
- Pakistan Academy of Sciences (PAS)
- Commission on Science and Technology for Sustainable Development in the South (COMSATS)
- Pakistan Science Foundation (PSF)

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD) National Centre for Physics, Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-51-2077363 Fax: +92-51-2077342 E-mail: Website: