06 - 10 November, 2023
The Experimental High Energy Physics (EHEP) department of CoE Physics at the National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad is organising this workshop aimed at providing a forum for the Pakistani high energy physics community particularly the young students and researchers to learn and discuss the latest updates on the tracking detector technologies and its applications in the high energy physics experiments.
The EHEP department is actively involved in the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) tracker phase-II upgrade project. The CMS is one of the experiments of the world's largest accelerator called Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN, which is located at the border of Switzerland and France. The NCP is one of six certified centres for silicon sensor qualification and one of the ten centres for module assembly worldwide within the CMS tracker collaboration. A dedicated laboratory has been built at NCP which consists of state-of-the-art instrumentations. The CMS tracker will measure the trajectories and momenta of charged particles produced as a result of proton-proton collisions at the center of the CMS experiment. This workshop will also cover the recent progress and future aspects of CMS tracking detectors.
- Silicon Detectors: Physics and Principle
- Tracking Detectors at LHC and their Performance
- CMS Phase-2 Tracker Upgrade Project
- CMS Tracker Mechanics and Ladder Assembly
- Silicon Strip and Pixel Detectors
- CMS Tracker 2S Detector Assembly and Testing
- Gas Electron Multiplier Detectors
- Resistive Plate Chambers
Mansoor H. Inayat (NCP, Pakistan) | Ishaq Ahmad (NCP, Pakistan) | Ashfaq Ahmad (NCP, Pakistan) |
Advisory Committee
Alan Honma (CERN, Switzerland) | Andrea Venturi (INFN, Italy) | Marko Dragicevic (HEPHY, Austria) |
Ulrich Heintz (Brown, USA) | Duccio Abbaneo (CERN, Switzerland) |
Imran Awan (NCP, Pakistan) | Saleh Muhammad (NCP, Pakistan) | Waqar Ahmad (NCP, Pakistan) |
Wajid Ali Khan (NCP, Pakistan) | Muhammad Irfan Asghar (NCP, Pakistan) | Muhammad Usman (NCP, Pakistan) |
Rabia Rasheed (NCP, Pakistan) |
Tentative Speakers
Duccio Abbaneo (CERN, Switzerland) | Sally Seidel (University of New Mexico, USA) | Ashfaq Ahmad (NCP, Pakistan) |
Muhammad Aftab Rafiq (PIEAS, Pakistan) | Marcello Abbrescia (INFN, Italy) | Imran Awan (NCP, Pakistan) |
Frank Hartmann (KIT, Germany) | Muhammad Irfan Asghar (NCP, Pakistan) | Jeremie Merlin (CERN, Switzerland) |
Waqar Ahmad (NCP, Pakistan) | Saleh Muhammad (NCP, Pakistan) | Viktor Veszpremi (Wigner RCP, Hungary) |
Katja Klein (RWTH AACHEN University, Germany) |
The graduate/undergraduate students, faculty members, scientists, engineers from universities and R&D organizations are encouraged to apply.
Workshop Poster
To download the workshop poster, click here.
How to apply
Online application form can be accessed here. Submit online application form not later than September 12, 2023
Registration fee
- Students: 2000 PKR
- Employees: 3000 PKR

For Further Queries, Please Contact:
Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD)
National Centre for Physics
Islamabad, Pakistan
Tel: +92-51-2077477, +92-51-2077325
Fax: +92-51-2077342
Website: www.ncp.edu.pk