April 25 - 27, 2016
The National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad, Pakistan and the Department of Physics, University of Peshawar (UoP), Pakistan are jointly organizing the Regional Conference on Women in Physics (RCWP) from 26-28 January 2016 in collaboration with the Centre for Physics Education (CPE), Karachi, Pakistan and The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. The event will be held at NCP, Quaid-e-Azam University (QAU) Campus, Shahdara Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan.
The main objectives of the Conference are as follows:
- To plan a line of action for women in all areas of physics in order to join the activities of international community of women physicists
- To form a working group of women in all areas of Physics at each university of the region in order to have an active representation of this Region at international forums
- To address gender issues and promote the participation of women in all areas of physics in the region
- To provide a forum for networking opportunities and building in the region a strong and diverse community that can stand shoulder to shoulder with physicists the world over
Topics to be covered
- Professional development
- Promotion of Physics education among females
- Improving workplace environment
Hafeez R. Hoorani (NCP) | Rasool Jan (UoP) | Aquila Islam (CPE) |
International Advisory Committee
Jacquelyn Beamon-Kiene, APS/IUPAP WGWIP | Shamim K. Chaudhry (Bangladesh) | Youngah Park (USA) |
Adriana Predoi-Cross (Canada) | Talat S. Rahman, (USA) | Parajval Shastri (India) |
National Advisory Committee
Asima Ali (CPE) | Imrana Ashraf (QAU) | Aziz Fatima (CPE) |
Zubia Kiran (GCU) | Asghari Maqsood (AU) | Farida Tahir (COMSATS) |
Nasim Zafar (COMSATS) |
Local Coordinators
Riffat M. Qureshi (NCP) | Inam ur Rehman (NCP) | Sara Qaisar (NCP) |
Rabia Rasheed (NCP) | Nazia Batool (NCP) | Rabia Jahangir (NCP) |
Scientific Secretary
Anisa Qamar (UoP)
Active graduate/post graduate female students involved in Physics research and enrolled in Physics programs/allied disciplines at various Universities, Post Graduate Colleges, Centres of Excellence as well as Women Faculty and Chairpersons of Physics Departments (Male or Female) in institutions in the region may apply for participation in the event.
Confirm Participants
To download the list of confirm participants, click here.
Accommodation and Travel Assistance
Local hospitality including boarding and lodging will be provided to all selected participants. As a rule, travel expenses of participants should be borne by the home institutes. However, partial travel assistance may be provided to selected local participants residing outside Islamabad. A few travel grants may also be provided to foreign participants. Accommodation at NCP may be provided to out-station participants subject to availability.
How to Apply/Registration Fee
Application form can be access here. Selection will be made by the Technical Committee. Foreign applicants are required to provide the first 2-3 relevant pages of their passports valid up to at least six months after the event. These documents may be submitted to the activity secretariat by email or fax before the deadline for registration. Selected foreign participants will be required to pay US $ 100/- while selected local applicants will be required to pay Rs.1000/- as registration fee upon arrival at venue. Application deadline is March 22, 2016.
Workshop Brochure
To download the woekshop brochure, click here.
Supporting Organizations
- Higher Education Commission (HEC), Islamabad
- COMSTECH Organisation of Islamic Cooperation's (OIC), Islamabad

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Secretary General CPE Prof. Aziz Fatima Hasnain Phone: +92 333 210 5081 Email: CPE - Karachi Manger CAAD (NCP) Rabia Rasheed Butt Phone: +92 51 2077 350 Email: Rabia Rasheed Butt