February 23 - 27, 2015
National Centre for Physics in collaboration with Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST) is organizing a one week workshop on contemporary topics and recent trends in nanomagnetism from Feb. 23 to Feb. 27, 2015. This workshop will center around the lecture series of Prof. Wolfgang Kuch from the Freie University Berlin, who is a renowned expert in the magnetism of surfaces/interfaces and molecules at the surfaces. The workshop would include scientific lectures by Professor Kuch on the latest trends in this area as well as tutorials and discussion on advanced concepts and techniques of magnetic characterization such as X-ray absorption spectroscopy of magnetic systems, X-ray magnetic circular dichroism and magnetic domain imaging. Tutorial topics will include magnetism in reduced dimensions including basics of magnetism and magnetic layered systems and magnetic domains.Limited number of oral presentations will also be offered by local experts in the areas of magnetism, multiferroics and nanostructures. This workshop will provide an opportunity for students and young researchers to interact with and gain from local and international experts of the field. Other participants would be expected to participate in poster presentation of their work.
S. K. Hasanain | Yaqoob Khattak |
Invited Speakers/Lecture Topics
- Arshad Saleem Bhatti (To be announced)
- Sabeeh Anwar (Magneto Optical Kerr Effect)
- Mazhar Mehmood (Patterned Nanostructures)
- Kashif Sabeeh (Magnetic effects in topological insulators)
- Sadia Manzoor (Exchange bias systems)
- Arif Mumtaz (Relaxor multiferroics)
- S. K. Hasanain (Defect ferromagnetism in oxides)
Keynote Speaker
Dr. Wolfgang Kuch |
Technical Committee
Arif Mumtaz | Sadia Manzoor | Muhammad Sultan |
Organizing Committee
Riffat M. Qureshi | Sara Qaisar | Inam Ur Rehman |
Fida Younus Khattak | Ghulam Hassnain Jaffery | Muhammad Arshad |
Humaira Safdar | Mohammad Usman | Sajjad Qureshi |
Research students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty members and research scientists who are actively involved in the related research areas are encouraged to apply for participation and presentation (oral or poster). Selected applicants will be required to pay Rs. 1000/- as registration fee upon arrival at Venue. However, there is no registration fee for poster presenters and seminar presenters. The travel expenses of the participants shall be borne by the parent institutes. Partial travel assistance may be provided to selected outstation student participants on merit basis.
Selected Participants
For the list of selected participants, click here.
Scientific Programme
- For conference programme, click here.
- For latest program, click here.
- All conference participants will receive the short scientific programme in printed form upon their arrival at the conference venue. Moreover latest updates can be found on notice boards at venue.
Oral presentations
Speakers are requested to be in the lecture room at least one session prior to the start of the session when presentation is scheduled, to report the chairperson as well as the technical staff to ensure that the presentation is appropriately running with the projector and to receive a brief introduction to the equipment in the lecture room. For oral presentation lecture rooms/halls are equipped with a projector and computer. A laptop with standard presentation softwares (MS Powerpoint, open office etc.) will be provided during the conference. The backup of the presentation should be recorded onto an USB stick in PDF and power point format. All the presentations must be set up and checked with the projector before the start of the respective session.
Checklist for speakers
- One session earlier arrival at the venue and confirmation to the respective chair about the arrival.
- Presentation on an USB sticks in PDF and power point format.
- Record and check the functioning of the presentation at conference laptop before start of the session.
- Generally, all invited speakers will have 35 minutes. Normally, contributed talks will be allotted 25 minutes including discussion.
- Please consult the scientific programme for time and duration of your presentation, as they can differ.
Poster presentation
- The time for the poster presentation can be found in the scientific programme (online or printed programme can be consulted).
- At conference venue poster boards of 4 square feet will be provided.
- Presenter has to bring the printed poster of any size which can be hanged on the 4ft wide and 4ft high square board.
- The poster boards will be marked with the number according to the scientific programme. Authors are requested to contact the poster incharge to mount their poster when the poster board is prepared with the corresponding poster number according to scientific programme.
- For the mounting of the poster please use the “tags” at the poster frame or contact the available staff.
- The presenting authors should be available for discussion at their poster during the poster session.
- National Center for Physics, Islamabad (NCP), Pakistan
- Kohat University of Science and Technology (KUST), Kohat, Pakistan
- German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Germany
To download the brochure. Click here.

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD) Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-51-2077350, +92-51-2077359 Fax: +92-51-2077395, +92-51-2077342 E-mail: Website: www.ncp.edu.pk