September 03, 2015
The National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad is organizing a one day National Workshop on Prospects of Collaborative Research at CERN (Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire / European Organization for Nuclear Research) a European Laboratory for Particle Physics located at Geneva, Switzerland on September 03, 2015 at its campus located on Shahdara Valley Road, Islamabad. The main objective of the workshop is to provide a platform for young Pakistani researchers and post-graduate students working in the field of theoretical and experimental high energy physics to learn about initiation of collaborative research in suitable domains with active research groups at CERN.
Since its inception, the National Centre for Physics (NCP), Islamabad is actively involved in a variety of research and technical activities with CERN, Geneva. In addition a number of research institutions / organizations and universities in Pakistansuch as PAEC, NUST, CIIT, CHEP, GIK, QAU and LUMS are involved in potential research activities in the field of high-energy physics and allied disciplines. Pakistan has now become an associate member of CERN with effect from July 31, 2015. This has opened broader prospects of scientific and technical collaboration with CERN. At this moment, there is a potential need to educate high grade researchers in Pakistan on possibilities and viable mechanisms to involve in active research work as well as technical developments in progress at CERN with special reference to experimental/ high energy physics, computational physics, material sciences, vacuum sciences, accelerator technology etc. The main objective of holding the national workshop on prospects of collaborative research at CERN is to provide a platform to active post-graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty members and research scientists in Pakistan to share their knowledge and expertise for collaborative research work among themselves and in collaboration with CERN for scientific and technical development at national and international level.
Topics to be covered
- Status of research in high energy physics in Pakistan
- Overview of research activities at CERN with respect to physics, technology and computation
- Short presentations by active researchers involved in CERN activities
- Awareness on procedures / guidelines to initiate research projects with CERN
- Panel discussion on possibilities of viable collaborative ventures with CERN
Hafeez R. Hoorani (NCP, Pakistan) |
Local Organizers
Abdul Hameed (Admin) | Ashfaq Ahmad (EHEP) | Inam-ur-Rehman (Admin) |
Riffat M. QureshiNaveed Imran (CAAD) | Rabia Rasheed (CAAD) | Riffat M. Qureshi (CAAD) |
Wajid Ali Khan (EHEP) |
Active post-graduate students, post-doctoral researchers, faculty members, research scientists who have published their research outputs in recognized international journals in the field of theoretical or experimental high energy physics / particle physics as well as computational physics, materials research and technology related to high energy within last three years are encouraged to apply as a participant, speaker or poster presenter. There is no registration fee for participation. Local hospitality will be provided to all participants.
How to apply
Application form is available at here. Application forms should be submitted not later than August 31, 2015. List of applicants shortlisted/accepted by the technical committee will be placed on NCP website. The short listed applicants will also be informed by email once the selection procedure is completed.
List of selected participants
To download the list of the participants, click here.
Technical Program
To download technical program, click here.
Workshop Brochure
To download the workshop woekshop brochure, click here.

For Further Queries, Please Contact: Collaborations & Academic Activities Department (CAAD) National Centre for Physics, Shahdra Valley Road, Islamabad, Pakistan Tel: +92-51-2077360 Fax: +92-51-2077342 E-mail: Website: